Tips, Useful Information & FAQs

Telephone – VOIP phones, Jaipur on Brighton dialling codes. Email
Mobile (to Project Managers only) DS Projects (Online Project Management Tool)
Microsoft Messenger Fax

Jaipur is GMT + 5½ hours, BST (British Summer Time)+ 4½ hours.


You are able to take a more hands-off approach, leaving you to concentrate on your normal work. You can also arrange face-to-face meetings throughout the project, and can call up even if that day has finished in Jaipur.

If you consider yourself to be technical enough to liaise directly with a developer, then you may do so.

Yes, we are registered in England & Wales, No 4381390, and are VAT registered, No 868 8581 51.

Our minimum timescale for hiring a designer / developer is 1 day (8 hrs). Daily hire is a little bit more expensive starting at £125/day for a Developer, and £225/day for a Developer and a Project Manager.

Clients are informed in advance of such days, and we work weekends to catch up, so no time is lost by our clients.

Generally no, but we can do for very tight deadlines, and for catching up after a national holiday.

We always have more than 1 developer familiar with ongoing work, so if the main developer is off sick, the stand-in can carry on in their absence, or if the project is complex, the developer makes up the missed hours by working late / weekends.

Generally, the day after payment is received. We pride ourselves in ensuring quick starts for our clients.