July 17, 2018


Earlier we learnt about AngularJS, its key features, and one of the primary processes of the framework that paves ways for most of its essential functionalities- the digest cycle. In this post, we’ll venture further into the realms of AngularJS and figure out why it is the best framework for the development of your next web application.

  1. Ideal for SPAs
  2. Best MVC Implementation
  3. Declarative UI
  4. Optimized Development Process
  5. Huge Community
  6. Affordable
  7. Mobile-Friendly
  8. Scopes for Data Models
  9. Test –Friendly
  10. Customizable


Ideal for SPAs

Angular is often termed as the best framework for the development of Single Page Applications or SPAs. Its ability for two-way data-binding reduces the response time for a small web application. In fact, with features like ease of optimization and simple integration methods, Angular can also be tagged appropriate for slightly bigger applications.

In addition to this, the strong routing capabilities of the framework too may play a crucial role in smooth functioning of the SPAs that require viewing multiple parts of an application, just like how we navigate smartphone apps. Other than that, many developers also credit the multi-level server communication capabilities of Angular that use PROMISE interface to communicate with the server and get an appropriate response to the view, as yet another factor that supports its efficiency in the development of single page applications.

Best MVC Implementation

Unlike other MVC-based frameworks, Angular synchronises the view and model all by itself. That means once you have created the different components of an app based on the MVC architecture, you do not have to write the extra code to string them together. Angular does that all by itself, through the use of directives and scope. This means there would be less code and consequently less errors from the breaking of abstraction, a usual issue with MVC frameworks.

Declarative UI

Though Angular is a JavaScript framework, its view is created in HTML. This means for the UI of the application you can have more flexibility when it comes to design. It also means that the app’s interface design will take less time and the final results will be highly customisable too.

Another advantage of having a declarative language for the development of the interface, is that the developer doesn’t have to spend any more time writing additional code to dictate the flow of the program. In HTML, they will simply use the technique of WYSISYG with HTML, and will design the interface as they intend the finishing look. For the flow of the application, AngularJS’s controller will take care of dependencies.

Optimized Development Process

The MVC architecture of any framework by itself optimizes the development process, but with Angular, the factors contributing to the improved development process are far more. For one thing, the framework’s directives extend the capabilities of HTML, by allowing the developers to create their own custom elements. These elements, if created properly outside of the scope of the MVC app, can greatly improve the code of the app for rapid development, while also ensuring the implementation of the best practices. So when in future those elements do actually get added to HTML5, developers will only need to replace them accordingly without making any changes to the code itself.

Other than that the use of filters and services, too, greatly enhance the capabilities of the developers while optimizing the entire process for improved efficiency.

Huge Community

We know that in this age of rapid market dynamics, the strength of a community decides the future of any technology framework or even language. This is why the support of a huge community of AngularJS developers and engineers, can be termed as one of the major factors that make the framework a commendable technology, for the development of your future web applications. Furthermore, in the community of the developers, there are big names like Adam Abrons and Misko Hevery that certainly create an ideal picture a favourable future. Some of the direct benefits that come from the Angular community are direct expert support, abundant training materials, and ample third-party libraries and APIs.


This one is a no-brainer. Angular is an open-source and feature-rich JavaScript framework that allows developers to create their own custom web application on a low budget, and with a huge supportive community, this does not entail lack of security or accountability. Additionally, unlike proprietary frameworks, there isn’t any additional cost for customising the code for improved efficiency. The developers themselves can use and modulate the code as per their applications’ needs.


All the updated versions of AngularJS are mobile-friendly, meaning they have all the required tools for making your web application responsive on mobile devices. While Angular apps can be built to be responsive, they can also support more intrinsic qualities of mobile applications, like touch interface, limited processing power, and other mobile hardware specifications.

Using Native Script you can also have your AngularJS web applications modified to run on the native environment of your target audiences’ mobile phones. In our opinion, this is indeed stretching the limit of a web front-end development framework for making it suitable for mobile services.

Scopes for Data Models

For a framework with MVC architecture, Angular really does go to the limits of providing ease to developers. Unlike other MVC frameworks, its data models are not responsible for server syncing. Instead, that task is automatically done through efficient processes like Digest cycle. In Angular, the only task of data models, which the framework has also termed differently as ‘scope’, is to play the role of a temporary storage area for the data. In the beginning, the scope doesn’t have any data, instead, it relies on the controller to fetch the data which Angular will automatically synchronise with the view. This means faster processing of dynamic data as well as flexibility to implement more business logics.

Test –Friendly

Angular JS has not one but many features that justifies its title as “Test-friendly”.From the beginning the modular structure of the Angular code, offers optimum scope for the developers to leverage the best development practices, for making an application test-friendly, whilst being scalable. Furthermore, the Dependency Injection, to which the framework uses to manage the scope and controller, can also be used to perform unit testing with mock data, and it doesn’t end here either. Angular has inbuilt features like mock providers, which inject dummy data into the application for testing the responses.


Angular JS is one of the most prominent front-end web development frameworks, known for its resourcefulness. Being a dedicated AngularJS web development company, we have been asked many times, “wouldn’t that make the code of the application bulky by importing all the libraries that their application may not even require?” However, the customisable nature of the Angular wipes out these issues as well. For an Angular application, developers are not required to use all the libraries. Our developers also know how to customise the Angular libraries for a more fitting application.

Other than these primary benefits, all the key features of the framework suggest, that it is indeed one of the best tools out there for the development of dynamic and highly-functional web applications. To find out more about the technology, you can also consult with one of our experts directly. They would be more than capable of telling whether your specific requirements make it worth investing in AngularJS. They would also be able to suggest if there are other technologies that better suit your project requirements. Nevertheless, as far as the scope of the generic web application is considered, AngularJS remains one of the most conducive technologies out there for rapid and reliable development procedures.