February 22, 2018


Due to the advancements in innovation, technology is rapidly evolving in society, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that our current education system is struggling to keep up.

The classic education system we have come to know oh so well was developed in simpler times, when we needed an efficient process to impart our knowledge to the lower generations. However thanks to experts in the tech and education field, we now we have a better understanding of how the human brain works, and how neuroplasticity renders the present education system as rather outdated.

AR is Revolutionising the Education System Increasing Student Learning RetentionAll statistics seem to be pointing in the same direction after a study was published in 2009 by The Telegraph. It stated that in Britain alone, eight out of ten teenage students are finding education boring, while one out of every five students are dropping out of the education system entirely. As the majority of the current education system is outdated, experts agree that in order to cater to the education needs of modern day teenagers, and even adults, we need a more interactive approach. This is why AR (Augmented Reality) appears to be the most eligible tech solution, which can be the inevitable shake-up the learning system needs.

Augmented Reality has already set benchmarks in improving the user experience in a variety of spheres, not least being e-commerce and games. We now know that this amalgamation of virtual and real-world concepts is what keeps individuals engaged. Whilst we are definitely not the first ones to have recognised this potential of AR in education, we can already see a growing niche of education apps that are, in the true sense of the word, revolutionizing the way we see education. This idea needs to look further then the constraints of mobile apps due to the demand of more extensive solutions. This is where Google’s initiative in the field comes into the picture.

Google, in their attempt to improve the current education system, has recently organized beta testing for their new system. The schools from around the United States were invited to test their AR-based education applications.Washington Middle School from the famed Long Beach Unified School District, has since applied to participate in the same and was also selected for the purpose. Only a few days ago the test was conducted, which was subsequently reported by the Grunion Gazette. In the report, Melinda Clare, technology coordinator at the school has stated that,”One of the things that Google wanted the kids to do was to let them know how to improve the app.”She also reported, “It was a great opportunity to involve the kids with new-age technology and for us to see how they would react to it.”

Evidently, the reaction from the students was favourable, to say the least. In fact, a few students in the school who were considerably disinclined in social interactions, one of whom was even autistic, demonstrated a tremendous improvement. Clare continues to describe, “All of the kids were into it. It was a neat thing to see.”

Although, this initiative from Google is not the first of its kind either. Back in 2013, DAQRI studio launched an app named Elements 4D that uses the concept of AR with some wooden blocks, to make learning of chemical equations interactive and interesting. Other apps like Universe 2 Go, Human Heart 3D, Anatomy 4D, Layar, Science AR, Quiver, Aug That, Math Alive, and Google’s own ‘Translate’ are some of the more popular projects that are also working on the grounds of AR, to make education more interesting and contemporary.

Aside from the positive responses these apps are getting, when you look at the previous survey results they show users value AR products 33% better than their counterparts. So it is clear that learners have given the green light to the application of AR in education, and it should be just a matter of time before this revolutionary software is an integral part of the education system.

Resources: https://interestingengineering.com/meet-the-worlds-first-personal-augmented-reality-planetarium






