May 09, 2024


Curious about which programming language is expected to rise and become popular?

Python is undoubtedly one of the most widely used programming languages available today. According to surveys, Python consistently ranks among the top coding languages. The rich standard library and intuitive syntax of Python empower developers across various fields. This makes it a go-to choice for web development, data science, machine learning, and automation tasks. Major tech giants like Google, Spotify, and Pinterest rely on Python for their projects.

Many powerful frameworks further enhance Python's versatility, which streamlines the development process for web applications and services. These frameworks, composed of modules and packages, empower developers to build robust solutions efficiently.

Explore the Python frameworks in our latest blog post. From widely-used favourites to emerging trends, discover the tools that drive innovation in Python development. Let's dive into the realm of Python frameworks together!

What is Python Web Framework?

Web development frameworks offer a structured approach for website developers, designers, system administrators, and Linux operators. These frameworks streamline app development with predefined models for consistency and ease of maintenance.

Python is a widely used and powerful programming language with extensive libraries and frameworks catering to various technical needs. These frameworks make it easier for developers to handle common HTTP operations by using pre written code. They automate many tasks and provide a clear development structure. Each framework comes with its own modules or packages, reducing development time significantly. Python frameworks are categorised into full-stack, micro, or asynchronous types. Before delving into specific Python frameworks, let's briefly explore these categories.

Types of Python Frameworks

When discussing open-source Python frameworks, we typically categorise them into three main types: full-stack, micro web, and asynchronous.

Let us have some views on these frameworks.


Microweb frameworks are lightweight and tailored for specific application development tasks. While they may lack extensive features, they offer a minimalist foundation, ideal for beginners entering web application development.

Asynchronous Framework

Asynchronous frameworks represent a recent advancement in Python web development. They allow developers to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently, making them ideal for applications that deal with high traffic or real-time communication. This functionality goes beyond traditional web frameworks by utilising Python's built-in library, asyncio.

Full-Stack Framework

Full-stack frameworks provide comprehensive solutions for Python web development. It encompasses functionalities like database management, server creation, front-end development, and complex application design. They are designed to integrate these components seamlessly and often come with built-in libraries to streamline development processes.

Each type of framework serves distinct purposes and caters to different development needs, offering developers a range of options based on project requirements and preferences.

Popular Python Frameworks for Web Development

1. Django

Django is a widely acclaimed full-stack framework known for its popularity and efficiency in web development using Python. It enables developers to swiftly craft sophisticated applications while adhering to the 'Don’t Repeat Yourself' (DRY) principle.

Offering an array of built-in libraries, Django simplifies database migration and supports various databases such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite by default. Additionally, third-party drivers extend compatibility to other databases. Its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) facilitates seamless mapping of objects to database tables, streamlining the development process.

Moreover, Django's robust ecosystem and extensive documentation make it a preferred choice for web development projects of diverse scales.

2. Web2py

Web2py is a Python framework designed for building full-stack applications. Its latest versions, Web2Py 3 and 2.7, offer various deployment tools, including a web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) facilitating seamless creation. Moreover, it features a debugger, one-click deployment, and a comprehensive code editor within its web-based IDE, streamlining web application development.

Additionally, Web2py enables users to effortlessly modify, deploy, and manage their applications directly within the browser, eliminating the necessity for a separate server setup.

3. CherryPy

CherryPy, on the other hand, stands out as a rapid, stable, and minimalist Python web development framework. It is open-source and compatible with any operating system that supports Python.

This framework empowers developers to utilise diverse technologies for data access and templating. CherryPy encompasses typical web framework functionalities like sessions, file uploads, static file serving, and cookies.

Furthermore, CherryPy allows developers to build web applications like object-oriented Python programmes. This approach minimises source code and accelerates development time, resulting in efficient web application creation.

4. Falcon

Falcon stands out as a microframework tailored to craft web APIs. Embraced by major entities such as LinkedIn, OpenStack, and RackSpace, it is renowned for its lightweight and rapid performance, specifically for web service creation. Its primary aim is to facilitate these services' swift and efficient development. Falcon is a lightweight web API framework. This means it's simple to use and perfect for building APIs without a bunch of extra features you don't need.

5. TurboGears

TurboGears emerges as a comprehensive Python framework for developing data-driven full-stack web applications. Designed to address the limitations of commonly used web and mobile app frameworks, it empowers developers to kickstart web application projects with minimal setup.

TurboGears helps Python developers to build websites faster by offering tools that work well with JavaScript. It offers accelerated development using components like SQLAlchemy, Repoze, WebOb, and Genshi, surpassing the speed of existing frameworks. Supporting multiple databases and web servers like Pylons, TurboGears adheres to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.

Furthermore, TurboGears provides a user-friendly and efficient environment for building dynamic web applications, offering a competitive edge in the development landscape.

6. Flask

Flask is a Python framework released under the BSD licence, drawing inspiration from the Sinatra Ruby framework. It relies on the Werkzeug WSGI toolbox and the Jinja2 template for web development. Aimed at providing a solid foundation for web applications, Flask offers flexibility in backend development approaches, catering to diverse project needs. Noteworthy companies like LinkedIn and Pinterest have leveraged Flask for their web development endeavours.

Considering a rapid website development process with Python? Flask offers an alternative that, while less structured than Django or Pyramid, serves as an excellent starting point for crafting functional applications.

7. Tornado

Conversely, Tornado is an asynchronous networking toolkit and Python web framework that was first created by FriendFeed and then purchased by Facebook in 2009. Known for its non-blocking I/O design, Tornado excels at handling many simultaneous connections. This approach makes it a valuable tool for applications requiring scalability. Key features include real-time services, user authentication support, and web templates, making Tornado a versatile option for developers seeking robust solutions for high-traffic applications.

8. Pyramid

Pyramid is a popular Python web framework known for its flexibility and streamlined approach to web app development. Its transparency and focus on quality, along with features such as robust security measures, easy URL code mapping, and adaptability, make it a top choice for companies like Reddit, Mozilla, and Yelp. Moreover, Pyramid benefits from extensive community support, evident through active participation in mailing lists, IRC channels, and platforms like Stack Overflow.

In addition to Pyramid, several other Python frameworks are available, each offering unique features and advantages. However, Pyramid stands out for its simplicity and extensive documentation, making it accessible even to developers new to Python. Many leading technology companies have recognised the value of Pyramid for building scalable and secure web applications.

9. Quixote

Quixote, another Python framework, prioritises adaptability and performance. It is designed for developers seeking a more traditional approach to web application development. Quixote applications are built using Python classes and functions, offering a straightforward and familiar programming experience. For developers eager to explore Python's capabilities in web development, Quixote presents an intriguing option with its emphasis on core programming principles.

10. FastAPI

FastAPI is a modern Python web framework acclaimed for its remarkable speed and asynchronous functionalities, which have garnered attention in web development circles. Its reputation is built on its exceptional performance and automatic API documentation generation, rendering it a preferred choice for crafting contemporary web applications and APIs. By harnessing Python's type hints, FastAPI streamlines API documentation creation, simplifying the development process. Additionally, its asynchronous capabilities and built-in auto-validation further solidify its position as a prime option for constructing swift, efficient, and scalable APIs, catering to the demands of modern software development.

Why Should You Use Python Frameworks for Web Development?

Python has risen as a prominent choice among various programming languages, highly favoured by developers and data scientists for its versatility and efficiency. Employing Python for website development offers numerous advantages, including the ability to stay competitive in the market alongside tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, all of whom utilise this programming language extensively.

1. Code Reusability

In the realm of Python web development, businesses stand to benefit significantly in multiple ways. One such advantage is the promotion of code reusability facilitated by Python web frameworks. These frameworks facilitate a structured and modular approach to web development, allowing developers to create reusable components like templates, authentication systems, and middleware that can be seamlessly integrated across different sections of a web application.

2. Flexibility

The flexibility offered by Python web frameworks is unparalleled. They enable the construction of micro-functions and facilitate both backend and frontend development for larger projects. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt and scale their web applications according to evolving needs and market demands, ensuring sustained growth and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

3. Expansive Library Support

Python offers a wide array of libraries that expedite app development. These libraries contain pre-existing code that developers can leverage, sparing them from starting from scratch. Some popular examples include NumPy and Scikit-Learn for data science tasks, and SQLAlchemy for simplifying database interactions

4. Robust Security Measuresy

The foremost Python frameworks, crafted by adept developers and leveraging cutting-edge backend technologies, prioritise security. They furnish robust defences against diverse threats and attacks, empowering developers with tools to thwart security vulnerabilities and errors preemptively.

5. Accelerated Development Process

Python web frameworks are renowned for their agility in development. Equipped with features such as URL routing, form management, and seamless database integration, these frameworks streamline the creation of web applications, enabling developers to deliver projects swiftly and effectively. Additionally, they foster collaboration among team members, enhancing productivity and code quality.

6. Strong online presence

The widespread adoption of a programming language often indicates its reliability and effectiveness. Beyond its inherent qualities, this popularity proves invaluable during troubleshooting and feature implementation. When encountering challenges or seeking new functionalities, the likelihood of finding relevant solutions quickly is significantly increased due to the vast community engagement and readily available resources.


Based on the information provided in the blog, selecting the appropriate web framework depends on factors such as project scope, communication needs, level of customisation, and desired outcomes.

With an estimated 260 web frameworks currently available in Python, staying abreast of emerging technologies can be challenging. To address this, we have curated a list of Python web development frameworks that we anticipate will excel by 2024. Additionally, it's crucial to engage developers proficient in Python for optimal results.

At Dotsquares, we specialise in guiding you towards the most suitable Python framework for your web development project. Connect with our Python experts today to ensure the success of your venture.

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