September 06, 2018


Last week, Dell announced a new Computer Vision technology, with the intent of simplifying IoT and edge computing solutions. With this innovative new tech, the company has strengthened the foundation of the world which is rapidly becoming more connected, making yet another contribution in the creation of the fourth industrial revolution.

This new technology, named IoT Connected Bundles is a comprehensive solution that brings the much-needed compatibility between the hardware and the software components of an IoT ecosystem. The technology was designed to support end-to-end machine intelligence requirements from end-points to a cloud. The first use case of the technology will be seen in the IoT surveillance.

The company has announced to release the IoT and AI enabled surveillance solutions in October 2018. In a corresponding article published on the official website of the company, it was stated that “Surveillance is the first use case to which Dell Technologies has applied computer vision, so customers can more cost-effectively monitor events in the physical world and automate decision?making.” Jason Shepherd, the CTO of IoT technologies at Dell added, “The reason for surveillance is that it’s an important use case … cameras are the best sensors around, very rich information” 

So once the solution is released to the market, it will become a lot easier for users to automate the surveillance programs with greater accuracy and efficiency.

For further innovations with this solution, a reference architecture has also been made available by the company. Experts can use it to already start aligning their system for the proper adoption of the other computer vision use cases.


Vision of the Future with IoT Connected Bundles

In an interview with ZD-Net, Shepherd made further revelations on the technology and revealed his vision of the future that, according to him, will be unlike anything we are used to.  Pointing out to the present cloud solutions, he said, “The clouds are all trying to lock customers in, this is not the ’80s early PC days, it won’t work.” Therefore, keeping consumerism as the focal point, around which the whole solution was developed, it was ensured there is an open framework that allows interoperability, by perhaps using the distributed ledger systems like blockchain.

This was necessary to ensure safety in an environment where the distribution of data and resources is of the primary essence, which itself is the ‘holy grail of digital transformation’ in a more futuristic way. With this, the company has aimed to build the foremost foundation of IoT solutions that scale with the growing demands of the customers. As Shepherd puts it, “we’re not just trying to hack stuff together … we’re in the AOL stage of IoT; we’re just getting things online.”


Further Reading: