August 26, 2015


Sussex Business & Social Squash League has been running for 30 years and currently comprises 25 teams mainly within the Brighton, Crawley and Littlehampton triangle. Originally a strictly business based league, in recent years we have adopted a broader stance to include teams from Squash and Leisure Centres.

The teams in the two top divisions are mainly comprised of players of a fairly high standard who also play in the County League.

The lower three divisions are still of a reasonable standard but give the opportunity of competitive squash to middle ranked players. There are no other leagues in the area which provide this service for players below the standard of the County League.

A number of the teams are sponsored but Dotsquares is the only company that sponsors two teams. Dotsquares supplies web design and development at a very competitive rate as a result of the work being carried out in India. Dotsquares employees are all encouraged to participate in sport and, to that end, Dotsquares is looking to sponsor more teams and encourage health and fitness. Like Squash, Dotsquares prides itself on rapid response and frequently is working on websites the day after the request is received and occasionally on the same day. This rapid response is not always carried out on the squash court but we do encourage optimum performance from our players!

“Originally the two Dotsquares sponsored teams were the American Express teams and were founder members of the league. We now have no connection with Amex although most of our players are ex-Amex employees. One team is in division 2 and the other in division 5 so this provides accommodation for a wide spread of ability. We look forward to a long and enjoyable association with the Dotsquares company and brand” says Bill Mander, Team Captain.