February 03, 2021


Technology is the future.

You might think this phrase has done its time, that it is overused as a blanket statement – but you might be surprised to know that the majority of businesses only scrape the surface of leveraging technology to engage more customers.

Increasing customer engagement is central to any sales and marketing plan, as it involves flow-on activities such as expanding relationships and word-of-mouth recommendations. Really, there is no limit on how much a business can streamline their business operations and maximise sales using digital tools. This can vary from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, websites, and Google Ad words.

However, in this article, we will be focusing on all the value that Mobile Applications, or ‘apps’ for short, can bring in for businesses and customers alike. With online shopping, e-wallets and entertainment all in one place, apps have become a centerpiece in the tech world. Whether it be selling your products on Instagram or developing your own flagship branded app, here are just some of our tips for businesses to engage their customers and build loyalty through a mobile app.

How to leverage apps to engage customers

Exclusive Mobile App Offerings

Offering free items or discounts for mobile users could drive users to frequently check their mobile apps for any future sales, and could thus encourage ongoing loyalty and engagement. Businesses could promote these discount events through email newsletters, mobile notifications, SMS’ or sponsored ads on other platforms.

Allow for Customised and Personalised Shopping Experiences

Every customer is unique, and what makes a shopping experience truly memorable is a strong algorithm that recommends relevant products and engages the interests of the user. The app should ideally allow users to choose the text size, selecting which menu items appear on the homepage, and more flexibly adjusting their profile settings.

Include Social Elements

The power of word-of-mouth has indeed changed over the digital era, but is by no means a weaker source of influence. Users who are looking for information value such as being able to browse through reviews from previous purchasers through the mobile app, or interacting with other customers through the app’s forum, can be a valuable asset. This is especially advantageous for the business: by monitoring what is being discussed through the forum, one can gather valuable data to use in tweaking their marketing or branding tactics, for example.

Gamification and Augmented Reality (AR)

This is a rapidly growing trend and one we covered extensively in our blog post last month. Including videos and filters in the app that can allow users to see what a couch would look like in their living room, or how a particular shade of hair would suit their desired look, would have an immense impact on purchasing decisions. Additionally, businesses have the option to monetise these premium AR features on their apps and open up additional revenue streams with innovative technologies.

Easy to Use and Responsive

This is the very foundation of any mobile application. In the “red ocean” of market competition, digital tools, websites, and apps must be user-friendly, easy to navigate, unobtrusive, and simple. Users are looking for easy login capability with Facebook, seamless payments with Apple Pay, and geolocation for better algorithm recommendations.

Through Dotsquares’ Digital Marketing and SEO services, we have long-pushed that engaging customers and building loyalty is critical to a company’s success. One crucial part of our web strategies for clients is to “go where the customers are”; and since hundreds of millions of customers are on their mobile devices, it makes sense that this is where businesses need to be, too.
