March 24, 2017


Business today relies heavily on the leads that come through the web, and employee savvy to convert those leads. Other more popular ways to convert leads are making sure you have the right prices within the competitive market, ensuring you give the highest level of customer service at all times, and most importantly give the customer an offer that they simply can’t refuse. In today’s industry web design and UX can also make a drastic difference to lead conversion.


No matter the age group of your target audience, each generation will respond more actively to images and design that is particularly targeted towards them. This doesn’t mean your website needs to target one demographic, it’s more a case of marketing yourself using the correct images for all, whether this be through Social Media, Email and Newsletter marketing or general advertisements.


Web speed is critical when you want to retain visitors that come to your site. If the page takes more than 6 seconds to load, the chances are your users will get impatient and will go to one of your competitors. Skeleton screens are a great way to keep your visitors occupied whilst the page loads.


Chatbots have become increasingly engaging, and are now available globally across the worldwide web. Customers will usually convert when they know that they can access an instant support line 24/7. However you need to do some thorough research into the questions they ask before you go live.


Research has shown that when online retailers use shopping cart marketing, it can increase e-commerce revenue by up to 30%! Let’s be honest if you were trialling a product that you had never used before, and you had recommendations of what other customers had bought, you’d be more inclined to visit the site again knowing that you don’t have to do loads of research to find the best option.


Sometimes people just want a quick way to get information, or to sign up to a mailing list, or even get notifications about a specific product. Having a Call To Action button is a simplistic feature that allows customers to achieve exactly what they want with a click of a button! With digital design features advancing online conglomerates have found that animating a Call to Action button will help you to stand out from the crowd. It’s also a fun feature for customers to use.


There’s something captivating about a still image with motion. Customers will be fascinated buy it and it also shows off your creative flare as a company! It’s been found that using cinemagraphs can have an effective click rate of up to 60% higher than those of static ad campaigns.


These day’s it’s merely not enough to sell your products, you need some organic help. Customers trust the word of other customers over companies every time, and when you think about it we wouldn’t ever book a holiday, or purchase a product without reading the reviews first. Video Testimonials is a great way to indirectly market yourself through other customers.


Although you need to have an attractive home page full of activity, these days all focus had been directed at the landing pages. These will be the pages that convert your visitors as long as they have a highly engaging UX, and they can also find what they are looking for.


Have you ever been on a website (particularly an ecommerce websites) that has a function that requires you to click “Next Page” to see the other products?Well, customers can find this way too time consuming, which is why most businesses tend to opt for a scrolling feature, so the customer can remain on one page, but can see all products.

To conclude combining all of these relatively simplistic features will boost you conversion rates as a whole! If you wish to implement any of these features then please get in touch with one of our advisors.