August 26, 2015


Following the recent episode of the BBC TV series “The Apprentice “, where the contestants were challenged to create and market mobile apps, the phones at Dotsquares have been ringing hot. The TV show illustrated how easy it is to develop and build an app for either the iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Adobe AIR platform. It seems that a lot of our clients watched the episode as the number of inquiries to us about apps has increased dramatically. As people find their day to day lives are increasingly busy, they don’t necessarily have time to get to a computer and are using their mobile device to access information. Businesses are becoming more savvy to their consumers and are realising that apps must form an important part of their marketing strategy. In order to reach every consumer possible at any time of the day a mobile app is THE ideal medium. At DotSquares we recognised that the power of the app was about to explode on to the marketplace and adjusted our strategy accordingly. Our developers have first class training and experience in building commercial apps that increase our clients’ visibility and generate results. In many recent cases our clients have asked us to develop integrated solutions that include apps for each platform and websites to support them. Thanks to DotSquares foresight in providing training and development opportunities for our staff some of our recent app projects have been completed up to a week early and under budget. Obviously our clients are delighted to see their projects completed within the timeframe, but there is a bonus for Dotsquares too. With every app project completed we are pushing the boundaries of the technology and can offer similar exciting solutions to all.