May 31, 2017


In today’s industry there is a continuous buzz around Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). With the some of the most amazing innovations due to be released over the next decade, it’s no wonder there’s such a hype across the globe, as businesses compete to deliver the best.

But what does this mean for mobile apps, and how can they benefit from this new technology?

The future of AR and VR in mobile apps!


Also known as AR will serve a number of purposes as it unites industries across the border. With billion dollar platform Facebook launching its AR platform in the market a few weeks back, and with the likes of Apple and Snapchat in prime competition, people are excited to see what AR is truly capable of. Thanks to the success of Pokemon Go (the gaming trend that swept the nation) and Snapchat’s animation filters, competitive business is booming.

Although AR proving popular in within social media, brands in the retail industry are using AR so that their customers can visualise their products instantly. IKEA is a prime example of this, as they are using AR to allow their customers to choose what furniture they would like, based on how it would fit in their homes. As AR is predominately used via photos and videos, any app that contains these features will have the ability to adopt AR when it has been made standard in all app development processes. The success of AR in apps will create ultimate customer efficiency, and in turn will increase sales and customer retention. As an example Gatwick recently became the first airport in the world to use AR to help customers, by using an indoor navigation system to guide passengers who might be lost.


Virtual Reality is changing life as we know it by providing virtual worlds for us to engage with. Arduous tasks like shopping will eventually be made easier through mobile apps, as customers won’t have to even leave their house to buy their weekly shopping. Conglomerate WorldPay recently trialled VR payments that could be made available in mobile apps. The system has been built to allow virtual items to be bought from retailer’s using the generic sales channels.

Other industries that are toying with the idea of VR is the likes of the property market. With letting agencies utilising the technology, it allows their clients to view several properties without having to leave the office.

WorldPay trials VR payments for mobile apps

With so many other corporations beavering away behind closed doors, it’s hard to pin point what will be the next fad on the market, and who will dominate in the AR or VR industries. As for mobile apps there are some incredibly exciting opportunities that lie ahead.