November 29, 2022


In the contemporary world, organisations face various challenges due to paradigm shifts in consumer demands. Businesses must embrace efficient tech architecture to keep up with the changing market trends. Microservice architecture is known to be a proven approach for creating business applications that are more scalable, resilient, and agile. The architecture focuses on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. Therefore, the application is developed as a collection of lightweight, fine-grained, autonomous, and loosely coupled services.

Traditionally, developers tend to create big, monolithic apps. A single monolith would contain all the code for all the business functions done by an application. Developing complete applications as a single monolithic structure can be problematic because making modifications, releasing or adopting a new technology stack is more difficult when the entire system is affected.

Nowadays, the entire business functionality in the application is divided into distinct processes rather than being developed as a whole (known as monolithic application architecture). Microservices have allowed every procedure to be created and built as a separate service with its business logic and database set.

Benefits of Leveraging the Microservices Architecture

Effective Migration and Upgrade

One of the most important microservices benefits for rapidly changing systems is the ability to switch to newer technologies quickly. Instead of rewriting the code for a huge system, developers create and support smaller components that can be upgraded on demand. When dealing with specific components, businesses can more easily move to new frameworks and technologies. Also, opting for microservices can help prevent technical debt and associated costs for large-scale modernization initiatives.

Enhanced Productivity

It is easier to design and maintain an application if it is divided into smaller fragments. A modular piece of an application has a smaller codebase, so it is easier to test different services. Each service can be built and managed individually as they use different programming languages, technology, and software environments depending on the needs of the business. This tends to increase productivity and resolve the development speed challenges much more effectively as the task can be divided among teams.

Better Scalability

One of the significant advantages of microservice architecture is its unparalleled scalability and capacity to grow. Autonomous services can be scaled independently based on load and processing power requirements without interfering with other services or increasing the cost of scalability. Adding new services and features to a modular system is also simpler and less expensive than scaling a full monolith. Furthermore, because services are containerized, loosely connected, and frequently have different logic that is why the danger of compromising system integrity is low.

Easy to Build and Maintain

The creation of microservices is centred on simplicity. When applications are divided into smaller and easily developable functionality modules, they are much more effortlessly constructed and maintained. Each microservice can be created utilising a variety of software environments. Therefore, the services are deployed independently. It is a modern approach associated with the latest technologies and business practices.

More Resilient

Implementing microservice-based architecture simplifies discovering and resolving the root cause of performance issues. A single failure does not impact larger applications because of the greater fault isolation of independent modules. The microservice architecture allows the applications to become more resilient as the failure of one service is less likely to have a detrimental influence on other portions of the programme in a design. As a result, this can reduce the risk of downtime because developers can roll back to make an update or changes to a module without redeploying the entire programme.

Improved Reliability

Undoubtedly, microservices are a logical choice for modern commercial systems with high security and operational needs. Services are isolated, so the microservice architecture is known to be much more reliable and stable. The services are in different languages or technology, and DevOps teams can select the best tech stack for each module without fear of incompatibility. If an error or security issue occurs in one of the services, it will not affect the performance of the other components. Therefore, it will not cause a big problem for the system as a whole.

Teams with Autonomy and Cross-Functionality

Microservices are a boon to distributed or remote teams. Developers gain independence and autonomy, which allows them to make technical decisions fast. Developing a large monolith system can be messy and complicated when collaborating across the globe. So, if you're creating a large-scale solution, you should always think about microservice design.

Reduced Development Cost and Time

The microservice architecture is widely regarded as a significant source of savings which is beneficial in the long run. Despite the considerable expenditures associated with establishing an agile team and microservices infrastructure, it is still considered to have reduced costs for upgrading and scaling the system, etc. The method tends to leverage the dedicated team model that is responsible for certain modules. These teams can collaborate simultaneously, increasing productivity and delivery speed.

Data Security and Compliance

The major benefit of microservice is that they contain and safeguard sensitive data. Efficient developers connect microservices using safe APIs. A secure API protects the data it processes by restricting access to only approved applications, users, and servers. It allows developers to have control over what data is visible to the larger application and the one using it. The microservice architecture is essential for applications with stringent security and operational requirements.

Optimise Business Functionalities

Microservices can be reused across multiple business processes or channels. Each team member is in charge of a certain service, resulting in a smart, productive, cross-functional team. The team focuses on enhancing business capabilities as they do not require to create code logic and write long lines of code. When the emphasis is on a specific service rather than the entire application, it is easier to custom the requirements of each component to improve the business performance.

Final Thoughts

The microservice architecture simplifies application management, but the change is not without challenges. The scalability and resilience of microservice design for online applications assist high-load web applications. eCommerce platforms and worldwide B2B online portals are excellent examples of feature-rich applications that benefit from services-oriented architecture. However, the approach to deploying microservices differs based on the use case, with certain fundamental best practices remaining constant.

Achieve Business Agility with Microservice Architecture

Consumer needs change quickly, and businesses must constantly improve the quality of their products and services to keep their customer base and profit. Microservice architecture is unquestionably a dependable and time-tested technique for developing future-proof systems. It entails autonomous services that are feasible and cost-effective. In the highly competitive market, microservices offer a unique modularisation that is extremely beneficial for business growth. Now that you have comprehended the key benefits of the application architecture, you may be considering a microservices adoption strategy for your organisation.

Do you need assistance integrating microservices into your bespoke web portal development project?

Dotsquares offers microservices with a goal-driven approach to unlocking the company's potential. We are developing simple automated solutions that work best for organisations to innovate rapidly.