October 18, 2016


When you’re planning a trip away the cost of flights can sometimes be extortionate, and it can be really soul destroying when all you want is some time away to relax and forget about the mundane everyday life routine.

Back in 2011 the multilingual technology company Google, released a web based service called Google Flights. The main features included an open-ended search criteria for the user, meaning a user could search for flights within a certain budget, destination and time span. Since then Google Flights had been considered as one of the best comparison services to compare travel costs, and to top it off they have taken it one step further with the latest version. The update has been designed to notify when you when the price of an airline ticket is due to rise, and when it’s about to drop, and it does this by tracking any saved flights on the user’s phone. There is also a “tips” notification bar in the top left hand corner which gives you 8 top tips on how to travel cheaper.

Google will also be adding some additional new features within its search function. A “Deal” filter will enable users to see only special hotel prices on precise dates which will also coincide with a hotel’s rewards membership service.

So next time you’re planning a business meeting, a city break or long haul holiday have a look on Google flights you might just grab yourself a bargain!
