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Data is critical to your success, so the ability to quickly recover and restore lost files and data is imperative. The backup of data is useless if it cannot be restored. Dotsquares provide Backup & Restore Services to help you optimize your backup environment improve efficiency, recovery and archiving solutions that has been designed to meet your requirements, minimize downtime with a backup and improve flexibility, manageability and scalability.

System Backup and Restore Process


System Backup and Restore Process



  • A backup and recovery system can prevent loss of credibility and goodwill.
  • It will ensure that staff will continue to be paid especially if it impacts upon payroll and other key financial records.
  • Prevent financial loss
  • Eliminate the loss of important information such as customer records and financial information
  • Ensure adherence with legislation and compliance issues.


  • Replication services- It generates a real time copy of every transaction so no data is lost and the copy can be used for near-instant failover.
  • Data Centre Backup- This service performs daily backup which is stored to a disk-based backup, with off-site and long term tape-based options.
  • Mobile Information Protection- Back up information on user’s personal computers to a centralized location it includes flexible configuration and customization options.
  • Remote Backup Services- Back up your data from off-site locations, eliminating the need for someone to remember to back up daily.

